Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Normal Curve Fiasco

Every semester that I teach the normal curve I emphasize on its importance to the rest of the class. I even discuss how one can "check" to see if their answer makes sense if they draw the right picture to begin with. So how is it that the following things have happened?

1. The probability of it taking longer than 25 minutes for the allergy medicine to work is 1.24?

2. The probablility of it taking between 15 and 20 minutes is -0.3214?

3. If the mean is 18, how is the 60th percentile 12.5, or better yet, 0.60?

4. Since I am an outlier, the claim is okay?

5. You did better on the second exam because you were CLOSER to the mean (as compared to being HIGHER than the mean).

I guess if I understood how these things happened, I would get a big teaching reward for solving these mistakes :)

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