Tuesday, March 24, 2009

What is a triple-blinded, completely randomized case-control clinical drug trial?

One in which the patients do not know which drug treatment they are receiving, the nurses do not know which drug treatment they are administering, and the physicians conducting the study do not know what they are doing!!!

Statistics play an important role in genetics. For instance, statistics prove that numbers of offspring is an inherited trait. If your parents didn't have any kids, odds are you won't either. (ba-dump-dum) :)


Thursday, March 5, 2009


Don't kid yourself. The deep recession of 2008-09 is really a depression.
Then to witness business guests clapping at the close of the NY Stock Exchange at the podium every single day is like statisticians clapping for nonsignificant results on hypotheisis tests!


Quiz Day

Professor: "OK students, you have fifteen minutes to plot the bivariate distribution between A and B, fifteen minutes to compute the correlation between A and B, and 5 SECONDS to compute the kurtosis of B."

One student stands up very worried: "Excuse me Professor, how can we posssibly compute a kurtosis in 5 SECONDS?"

The Professor looks at the class very reassuring: "No need to be worried, kids, IT TAKES ONLY A MOMENT!!"
